
Tuesday, May 17, 2011


The funny thing about words:

You can pick a few, like plump, fresh apples, and create a short, sweetly broken sentence that hints at spring and pink and red... soft, cherry blossoms, raspberry yogurt, dainty, lips

You can drag them out, choose terrifyingly long, agonizingly dark words, and thrust into being a sentence replete with ... spikes, shrapnel, ore, hooks, vultures

Maybe something mystical, with dreamily spun, nether-worldly, word webs, hinting at the unseen ... moonlight, grey, purple, cloaks, dusk, secrets, mysteries, dreams, fog

Sunlight, orange smoothie, nectar, honeysuckle, glow ... A warm summer day, waiting to be refreshed with a splash of water while above the sun beats down, lending everyone a golden hue

Connotations. I find they have often to do with colour. I think that perhaps, they may be a way for our brain to explain words, to process information and make sense of language.

More interesting perhaps, are the connotations we attach to individuals, the words, activities, traits, even colours we associate with those around us. But what do they attach to themselves? What do you think of when you think of yourself? Hopefully as simply who you are, with no stereotypes attached. You are you, and so need to bring to mind no thing to explain yourself to yourself. (Or do you?) But who else can do the same? It is the best friend, the parent, the lover... the "kindred spirit" who goes beyond simply associating you with other things. Though they may think of the things you love, attach ideas, memories, words and thoughts to your being, they do not define you by them. Other than God, they come the nearest to knowing you as you see yourself. As you... you, you ... you... Your very soul. For souls, from what I know of them, have no place in the material world of connotation and association. They do not need explanation, as they cannot really be understood by our brains anyway. They are what they are what they are... If they are anything like, or even just reflective of who God says He is:

God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” - Exodus 3:14

Explanations and connotations do not suffice.

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