
Thursday, May 26, 2011

C'est printemps

It's been feeling so close to summer. Last week was gloriously sunny... Up in the mid-20's (ºCelsius), with clear blue skies.
Then this week arrived.
It's humid and rainy. Terribly gray. Which is a tad unusual for my hometown... Understandable in a city such as Vancouver perhaps, but certainly not here!

It's reminded me that, at May 25, it is still spring time. There's a few weeks left until summer officially arrives. So I've decided to make the best of it, and share with you a delightful picture of the first signs of spring on Vancouver Island, taken during this past spring break which was very rainy indeed. It doesn't get much more spring-like than this.

And, just to add a bit more whimsy, here's a lovely song by Richard Petit, called "Le printemps" (springtime). It's one of my favourites :)

Oh! One more thing. There must be some truth to the whole idea that "love is in the air" during this time of year... Several new couples seem to have cropped up, some out of near-nowhere! But so long as they don't make like bunnies, I'm good with that at the moment. It's really rather adorable. Sometimes I feel like tweaking the younger kids' noses, and saying "Well aren't you two just the cutest thing". But I wouldn't, and I won't. That would be slightly sickening. Though it is a sign that, for the time being, I'm choosing to not dwell on the harsh reality that most of them will get their hearts broken within a few weeks. Maybe months.

Nonetheless, rosy-cheeked young teens holding hands and getting butterflies in their stomachs do seem to pair well with spring. Usually this annoys me to no end, but this year I don't mind.

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