
Monday, November 26, 2012


Don't you think it would have been easier to live back in the Little House on the Prairie days
When Central Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and on, were all far off places, when all countries but your own and the motherland were packed with myths and exotic tales
All so exotic. Exotic, fabled, and foreign. Their problems, wars, and pains, unknown to you. And no one would fault you for your lack of knowledge and lack of care.

Now though, now if you don't know, I see you as a hypocrite
For saying you care when you don't
You care
But not the world around not even
Around the whole of society you
Don't care
Well where's the use in caring,
When all it does is hurt. Right?

Because you don't have time

No time to care
Because you're here now, and here now means focusing on you you you
University tells you, tells you to do good, tells us it will equip you
But then you forget and you get lost sitting in a class that's all symbols and formulas and no people
But this is supposed to help them one day. Right?
University begs us to get wrapped up in ourselves
Forces our heads down to desks full of formulas and concentrates us on grades
Compares us with everyone around
And tells us each assignment matters
Then reminds us of the world and all its problems
Tells us of the futility of it all and how
Even if you want to do something good
No good thing is simply good - it's all wrapped up in prejudice and overly Western influence and white-saviour complexes

But do, do good.
You could forget to
But even then even if you don't forget, even if you figure out what to do
It's all so big and far and foreign and who are you?
They yell at you and say it's none of your business that we'll take care of our own
And that you should take care of your own.
Yes yes I should I should.
And I'll be well-paid too
How nice. Because I'm here.
No that's good then. That's good.
Because then you can give it all away
All all away
.... I know I probably won't.
If I get anywhere that is.
But see that's about me. And me and me and me
That's this time in your life
To care about you
So that one day
One day what?
The family
The family is so important
Yes that I'll go with that
Focus on the micro because many good micros will eventually build into one grand macro, one good picture
But NO
Still the money is mismanaged there and education is inadequate and they're all dying all dying
Abortion is birth control and HIV says you're singled out for divine punishment
They're lies all lies and how will they know! All the people! I don't speak Kyrgyz
Who does? Who'll go and tell them? The Canada travel advisory says avoid non-essential travel because everyone robs and thievery and assault are rampant.
Well it should be local anyways right. Right right right. That's what they've been telling us. That's what's ideal.
But many doctors won't treat HIV patients or demand danger pay. Danger pay. Masks marked up by 500% corruption corruption. Are people caring? People are caring. They are. I hope the Church.... I hope....
I hope they're there and caring.
I can't do anything anyways. In and of myself. I know, believe me I know, a thousand times over. And I'm afraid of not even wanting to. Caring here first. Here where I am. But ...... Excuses are easy to come by, especially if you don't know whether or not they're excuses or legitimate arguments.
Pray pray pray. That's all we can do.

Even there though.... There's SO MUCH to pray for. And I can't do it all at all. (Ask others) okay. Okay. How do you get others to care when you hardly know if you care enough yourself? When you don't have the time and
I don't feel like a prayer warrior
Only God will make all things right
But we we have no idea
And we sit here with our problems -
Are they valid?
The stress the relationships the questions about the future the worry about all this -
They're valid because they reflect how we all desperately need God
But on the other hand it makes me wonder sometimes
Did all of my problems surface because I have so much time and lack of worry about survival in living my upper middle class life? ... Time and enough needs taken care of so that I had the chance to come up with new worries? Are these worries even necessary?
Is any worry necessary.
I need to find someone else who cares
But it's really hard to care and keep caring when you figure there's not much you can do.
(Don't think you're some hero who has to carry it all because HE carries it all.)
I think it's because I'm fearful of how easy it is to fall into apathy. I don't want to be apathetic but ............ What's the use in JUST talking about it
And JUST caring about it all anyways
Without action. Is there a purpose to being "informed"?
To being informed when all it makes you want to do is collapse under it all because you know YOU can't take care of any of it? Is there a point in just talking, in just awareness about ALL of the injustice and discrimination and hate and ignorance?

Look for the joy. Remember that it's not all bleak (but sometimes I feel that it IS all bleak!)
It's just
What are we to do until then?
How hopeful, how optimistic should we become?
I have a hard time hoping and praying for revival when some parts of the Bible seem to say that things will just get worse until Jesus comes back.
But then
There's other philosophies too that say, that say things will get better and better until He comes, that we are to build the kingdom of Heaven on earth
Does this mean there's hope for now? And that there is a point in doing all we can? To heal both physically and spiritually?
There's just so so much.
And only He can take care of it all.

The stories in the news
Everything looks dark
"The newspaper is God's to do list delivered right to my front door" - Archbishop Desmond Tutu

It's an awful lot to do.

I don't want to want to escape.

(Don't end on a hopeless note. Because it doesn't end hopelessly.

He's here, you know. He's there. He. Is. There. And HE doesn't tire or grow weary or stressed and HE IS able and fully equipped. It's not up to you. It's not up to you. He is willing and able and cares consistently and more than you ever can or will. So pray. Pray to Him and be where you are now.)

Act justly and love mercy and walk humbly with Your God. {Micah 6:8}
Be thankful. LET the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. Put on love. {Colossians 3:14-17}
Love one another deeply. {1 Peter 4:8}

1 comment:

  1. "I don't want to be apathetic but ............ " I love this line! Lovely writing; the links almost provoke the reader, like you're telling them, "It's not just me, look here!" You're returning them back to reality when they don't want to, they just want to read a poem. Awesome!

    Great poetry. I hope you haven't stopped writing.
