Time for a list of positivity:
• The leaves here are turning very beautiful colours.

• I realized Korean food can be verrry tasty. Thank you Sunny and Sivakami :)

• Friends friends friends friends... they are what make everything bearable. I love you all so very much. As A1 has said, Dsquared is the best medicine! Little does she know that she is pretty darn good medicine herself. ... Actually, I think she does know. I told her.
• Speaking of friends, a couple of mine discovered a most excellent study nook, which I now like to frequent. Here's a photo of the space in the library bookshelves, and a view from the window beside it:

• Physics - discussing black holes. And anti-matter. YES. I also am thoroughly enjoying the playing out of Big Bang Theory-esque physics nerd stereotypes... My TAs for the course are the bomb, as some might say... So incredibly adorable! The theoretical physics department is seriously awesome. Here's a picture of Erwin Schrödinger that hangs just outside the washroom:
• One good mark. Yay for logic. But that was before I took eight hours to complete a 1-2 hour take-home midterm... Oh right! Back to positivity. Looks fun, n'est-ce pas?

• Fantaisiste - it's a good word! Ça veut dire: odd. eccentric. far-fetched.
• MUSIC. J'adore Félix Leclerc. Il me fait sourire peu importe ce qui s'est passé pendant la journée ! - Voici "Moi, mes souliers":
Now tell me that didn't at least make you smile.
• Church. I feel so blessed to have found RBC. I don't think I've ever liked church this much. Which is probably because it becomes something a lot more meaningful when you're not in a Christian school with only Christian friends and chapel and youth every week. Plus there are so many amazing people there - truly welcoming.
• Maman et Papan m'ont visitée !

• Speaking French and noticing serious improvement - it really boosts my confidence whenever my Francophone friends tell me I'm actually pretty good... Just saying ;)
• Piano... I get to teach piano to the most adorable two younger girls. In French. Does it get much better?